
Showing posts from January, 2017

Update: Taking Time Off

Hey everyone. I've been away for a while and I'm going to be away for a while longer. I kept telling myself over the last couple weeks that I was going to be okay to keep going but I can tell now that I'm not going to be able to do it. I have been on some serious medication for anxiety that makes me sleep up to 18 hours a day. Because of that I haven't been able to read, work, do school work, or anything else. Finally I decided that I had enough and I couldn't take it anymore so I've stopped taking the meds. Of course that comes with some withdrawal symptoms that I feel like are actually killing me. Right now I can't move from the couch except to get to the bathroom or to the bedroom at night. No pain killers are working to stop the pain so I'm going to have to tough it out. Looking at my computer or my phone or a TV screen makes me sick. Even writing this is taking me far longer than I would like it to. In a week my parents are taking me on a cruise...

The Nazi Officer's Wife by Edith Hahn Beer

Hey everyone. I'm really sorry that I haven't posted in the last couple weeks. There is no excuse I simply didn't have a book read so I didn't do it. But now that I'm back at school I am finding the time to do some reading and have managed to get a few books read ahead of time. This book is one that was given to me for Christmas by my roommate. She also got the book for Christmas and was reading it at the same time as me. We both agreed that this is one of the best tellings of the struggles of a woman during World War Two. It's not a fiction book but it reads like one. This is a story told from the mouth of the woman who lived it, written out by a member of her family. Let me tell you a bit about it: Edith Beer is a Jewish woman who grew up in Germany during the lead up to World War Two. In her words she describes the way her life changed as Hitler came to power and how her family was torn apart before the war even started. Unable to escape Germany due ...