Jorie and the Magic Stones by A. H. Richardson

Hey everyone, I'm sorry I've been away for so long. In the last couple weeks I have managed to sort out most of my medical problems and deal with all of the my school work. Now that I am caught up I have time to do readings. Speaking of readings, I have an apology to make to all the lovely authors who have been so kind as to send me copies of their books to review. I am making it my mission now to get them all read and all of the reviews written up within the next couple weeks (school permitting). One of the awesome books I got sent in exchange for an honest review is this one. At first I was weary to read this book because it is a fantasy children's book. On the surface it seems like it is going to be confusing and childish all at the same time. In reality, that couldn't be further from the truth. Jorie, a imaginative young girl, has been sent to live with her Aunt in the countryside for a while. While she is there she intends to explore and learn as much as she ...