Joshua and the Magical Islands by Christopher D. Morgan
Hey everyone, back again. Doing a quick write up while I'm in class because I need a break from my crushing stress. The author was kind enough to send me a copy of this book a few weeks ago. I read the first book in the series which was Forestium, and now changed to Joshua and the Magical Forest. This is the second book to that series and there is a third book on the way. It feels like it's been a million years since I first read the first book, but I still remember the details quite well. The author does a great job at creating a memorable world and characters. It was nice to see a second book that is written just as well as the first one. Let me tell you about it: Joshua and his friend Sarah are returning home after their long journey to destroy the evil Goat, who had tortured their lands. Joshua is looking forward to introducing Sarah to his mother and his other friends from his village. But when they arrive in the village they find it destroyed, with all of the peopl...