
South of Main Street by Robert Gately

Hey everyone, it's been a while. It's a new year now and so many things have changed, in my life and probably in yours. While I'm not doing as much reading now, at least not in the fiction sense, I am still doing some reviews for those kind authors who request them. Reading this book I decided to go in blind so that I wasn't influenced by what I expected to happen. At first I had a few problems, mainly with the 'show don't tell' aspect that really embraces the reader without holding their hand too much. All I knew about the book was a brief bio of the author, which was sent to me with the book. I did have high hopes for this after reading the bio, because the author seemed very lively and had a history with actually publishing professional books. Thankfully, my hopes were in the right place. I ended up very much enjoying the book and the writing style was much easier to flow with the deeper I got into it. Let me tell you a bit about it: The book follo...

Joshua and the Magical Islands by Christopher D. Morgan

Hey everyone, back again. Doing a quick write up while I'm in class because I need a break from my crushing stress. The author was kind enough to send me a copy of this book a few weeks ago. I read the first book in the series which was Forestium, and now changed to Joshua and the Magical Forest. This is the second book to that series and there is a third book on the way. It feels like it's been a million years since I first read the first book, but I still remember the details quite well. The author does a great job at creating a memorable world and characters. It was nice to see a second book that is written just as well as the first one. Let me tell you about it: Joshua and his friend Sarah are returning home after their long journey to destroy the evil Goat, who had tortured their lands. Joshua is looking forward to introducing Sarah to his mother and his other friends from his village. But when they arrive in the village they find it destroyed, with all of the peopl...

State of Emergency by Mary Hallberg

Hey everyone back again really quickly! I'm taking a brief break from the absolute hell-scape of homework, presentations, and papers that are all due on the same day. I haven't had time to read or to do any of my writing, which is the saddest part of all of this to me. But I need a break and I promised I would do a review for this book, so I shall. First things first, this is a zombie book. By far my favourite genre of books (if it can be considered its own separate genre). When I do get brief moments at school when I decide paying attention is for people going somewhere in life I like to reread a variety of different zombie novels. If there's anything I've learned from studying them it's that to stand out among the many out there it has to be unique. And this book is unique in the way that it draws off the classic zombie story. Let me tell you about it: Dallas is just your normal teenage girl. She's in high school and dreams of being a singer when she gr...

Eats, Shoots, and Leaves by Lynne Truss

Hey everyone. Kind of a random book to review, considering the content, but I think it's worth discussing. My friend recommended this book to me while she was editing something for me. I guess my grammar could use some improvement and she seemed to think this book would help. I can now say that I agree with that. The book is about grammar, but it is by no means a boring read if you are looking to improve your writing. The author has a very strong voice and uses sarcasm and emotion to get her point across in a way that you'll remember. It's a very short read, so it's worth the time to just sit down and read in one sitting. The only complaint I would have about this book is that she spends more time talking about useless stories in her life than actually teaching you what to do. Her information is really helpful if you can get through the rest of her stories. That's all I really have to say about it. Check it out if you're interested in this type of book. 4...

Jorie and the River of Fire by A. H. Richardson

Hey everyone, it's been a while since my last post. In that time I've been reading a few different books including this one! It's the third book in the series. The rest of the books have been reviewed on this blog as well if you'd like to check those out. The author has been very kind to send me the third book and the others as well. It's interesting, this series, because it really feels like each book could be the end. So each time I see another book I get excited to see the story continue. It's hard to say if this book is the end because, though it ends on a good note, there is still a lot of room for the story to continue. If it does continue, hopefully I will be able to review that one as well. Let me tell you a bit about this book: Jorie and Rufus are back in another adventure through the Tarn. This time, though, they are much older . After being gone for a couple of years Rufus has been trained by his Uncle Herc to be a proper gentleman, even if tha...

Sweet Sacrifice by L. D. Rose

Hey everyone. Sorry for the late review on this one. I had meant to have this done for Monday morning but I had a very busy weekend taking care of an injured baby squirrel. But it's with the humane society now so I have time to write the review. The book came out just last week so I haven't missed the boat by too much here. I've already read and reviewed two other books by this author that have no connection to this one (as far as I can tell). It is also one in a series of other books, according to Goodreads, but they also don't have any connection. So it is a standalone book in a series with the same general name, The Soul Mate Tree. Since this is the one I read, let me tell you a bit about it: Sebastian, Bash as others call him, died when he took a grenade to save his comrades. He was pulled from purgatory by the Archangel Michael to join the angel army in fighting the demons and all they stand for. And for a time he does his job without complaining, much. It ...

Black Bullet by L. D. Rose

Hey everyone, I'm back again. I know it's been a while but now that I am back in school I am going to try to keep a more regular reading schedule. I won't be working so much so I'm hoping I'll actually want to read and write more often. And I'll start that by catching up on books I've read and writing the reviews for them. This book is the second book in the series and has been sent to me by the lovely author. The review for the first book is on my blog if you are interested in checking it out. This book carries on after the events of the last book left off from the point of view of a different one of the brothers. It tells the story of one of the strange hybrids who was created by one of the brothers. Let me tell you a bit about it: John was known as the Black Bullet in his human days. He had been one of the lead FBI agents who worked alongside the Hybrid brothers when they were hunting the vampires that preyed on the human population in New York. Th...