Fishbowl by Bradley Somer
Hey everyone I hope you're having a great Monday. The weather around here is continuing to decline into the winter, which isn't always great when you live in the Great White North. But I have a nice fireplace so there's never anything to worry about. A few weeks ago I let a friend of mine borrow a couple books from my bookshelf since I have so many. She brought a few books from home for me to read. This was one of them. She described it to me as a book about a fish falling from the top of a building. I thought it sounded like a weird concept but I decided to read it any way. In many ways I'm glad I did. And in a few ways I wish I hadn't. Let me tell you a bit about it: In a small apartment complex there are a series of lives that are all intertwined in some way. All of them centre around a small goldfish who takes a leap into the unknown one windy summer day. A woman decides to stop by her boyfriends house to see how he truly feels about her. At his apartm...