Happy New Year!
Hello everyone! Today is the last day of 2014 in case you haven't noticed. Over the year I have read many books and done many reviews. I hope you all are continuing your reading now while you have a small break from work or school. And if you don't have a break, than you should take some time to yourself to do some reading! With the new year just hours away I thought that I would share with you a reading challenge for 2015 that I myself plan on completing. Now I know this is a little small so feel free to enlarge it and print it off if you think you would like to give it a try. Also keep in mind that I got this from the internet, I did not create this challenge, and that I am simply passing on the message to you all. I personally am very excited to start this and have bought most of the books to get started already. Keep in mind this doesn't start until tomorrow morning so no cheating and starting early. Thankfully with Christmas over I now have plenty of gift cards ...