Wednesday Update: Movie vs. Book
Well hello everyone! I am actually posting on time today. Fancy that. Been doing a lot of unpacking and cleaning since moving back home so I was a little late on Monday posting the review. But I am back now and hopefully nothing is going to stand in the way now. Lately I have been thinking about movies vs. the books. There has always been a stand off between those who love movies and those who love books. And of course in many cases there are those who stand right in the middle. In todays times most movies that are out there are based on a book. Some times people who love the book long before they became movies get excited to see the movie and many times they are let down. Of course there are always those few movies that actually do a good job. They are rare but they exist. And on the other side there are those who never read the book and never plan to, but still love the movies. These are the type of people who normally hate the book readers because they always go on about ho...