The Night World Series
Hey everyone, another series for you today. This was one of the first series I read when I was getting into reading, and it is by my favourite author L. J. Smith, so it had everything I needed in a book. There are three large books like this, and each book has three different stories in them. Each story has new characters, but often characters will run into other stories, which is nice because it shows where they go after their own stories are over. The 'Night World' is a world hidden within our society. It is made up of a few groups of paranormal creatures; Vampires, Witches, Werewolves, and Shifters. Each of these have their own classes, and they have the choice of joining two circles, one of 'generally good' and one of 'generally bad', but either way the rules stand that humans never learn of their existence, and they remain a secret. But there is another circle, Circle Daybreak, that believes in letting humans know about the existence of the Nigh...