Summer Time Reading Update!

Hello ladies and gentlemen, Summer is almost here (about time right?) and that means hot weather, days in the shade, popsicles, the beach, and lounging by the poolside. It also means new releases, cold crisp pages of a book in the summer heat under sweaty fingers, and covering your book from the slashes of children cannon balling off a diving board. 
Summer can be a great time to read, especially when it feels so nice just to sit down in the shade and relax with a nice book, and maybe take a quick nap. Just make sure if you are reading out in the sun to wear lots of sunscreen, no one wants a bad sunburn because they were too into a book to go inside out of the sun rays. Most of you don't have this problem, but still use sunscreen anyway if you are going outside.
But this post isn't about books. This is about summer safety.
It is really easy to get caught up in summer fever and forget to be safe. Stay hydrated, and no beer and pop don't count as drinks, in fact they will dehydrate you more than anything. Try to drink a few glasses of water a day if you can, because it will help after all the sweating and drinking pop you do. Even when you are swimming, you need to have a drink, because you are expelling more energy swimming than running in some cases, and your body will need water.
If you happen to go swimming as much as I do in the summer, practice safe conditions as much as possible. Don't horse around and cause anyone any harm, even by accident. A lot of people drown in the summer because there are a lot of people in the water, and in most cases they are not being watched as carefully as they should have. 
When you are in the water in a late, watch out for boats and other swimmers. A collision, even a small one, can cause a lot of damage in the water.
And watch out for animals! Hiking is fun, but make sure you watch out for bears and other protective animals because their young will still be small enough to need a fierce mom watching over them.
Wear lots of bug spray and sunscreen when out in the woods, because bits are no fun.
Now, I know a lot of you won't have to deal with this because you don't really get into these situations, but I want you to keep safety in mind over the summer time no matter what you plan on doing.
Have fun, do a lot of reading, get a lot of exercise, and enjoy the summer time fun to the best of your abilities. Go on an adventure. Try something new. Make a new friend. And whatever you do, stay safe and have fun!
- K


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