Days with the Undead by Julianne Snow

Hey everyone, another week gone by and another story read. This one is a Zombie story, yay right? I had picked it up from an author I had met at FanExpo in a town not far from where I live. We quickly become acquaintances, and I agreed to read the book to give her an honest review. Well, Julianne, this is my review! The book was a great new take on Zombies, which is hard to believe because I have read sooooo many zombie stories that I can't think of any new takes on it. But you managed to capture my attention, and I loved how the different stories of people were incorporated into the book without interrupting the way the story was told. The story is told in a blog style, where the narrator is posting online her story day by day from the beginning and telling people what she is experiencing. She is accompanied by her friends, Barbara, Max, Ben, and Bob, with whom she has met over the years and who have all been preparing for this day and who all had fi...