How You Read
Good Morning everyone! I hope your week is treating you well. Lately as I have been browsing different book stores I noticed that a lot of people have different style of reading. We all know that people like different types of books, and with those books there are different ways people like to read. I notice that depending on my mood I also read differently. There are some days where I have the whole day to myself so I will put on some calming music and read from the moment I wake up to the moment I nearly pass out from hunger. Listening to music is sometimes distracting to some readers while to others it sets a mood for the story being told. Another way to read is on the go. When I have a lot of work to get done or I am watching a movie or TV I tend to take a small break to read a chapter or two. The most effective I have found while watching movies on the TV is to read during the commercial breaks. For some people who are really busy this allows for a nice break from working. For ...