New Toys!

Hey everyone! Last week my mom and I went into a local bookstore in the area and saw this book: The Book Lover's Journal. Of course, at the time, I had no idea what it was. When I took it out of its wrapper to get a better look at it I realized it was just what a reader like myself needed. 
There are several different sections, the first of which is depicted in the image above, dealing with books that you have read. There is a section for who you have leant or borrowed books from, what authors you liked, what books you have read and how you rated them. I have started using it for the blog to help get my information together better before writing a review.
I am not sure if it is available at other bookstores (I haven't got a chance to look yet) but I am sure would have some available if nowhere else.
As you can see in the picture of the cover there is also a bookmark to mark your place. There is also a section on the other page of the one shown for notes on what you thought of the book. I keep it in my purse at all times with the book I am reading at the time so that I always have it on me to update when needed.
I never knew this existed before I saw it on a small shelf in the store so I thought this update would be great to let people know that something like this exists. Think of it as in a book form.
For those of you living in the Cobourg area you can buy this book at a small store called The Avid Reader just off of Devision street. There is a nice sitting area in there with a fireplace if you want to sit down and enjoy! 
So I hope you all are having a great week and I will see you on Monday with another review!
- K


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