Goodreads giveaways

Good Wednesday everyone! As usual I am doing an update for you and giving all of you readers out there a little advice. For those of you who haven't heard of it yet there is a brilliant website called you can go to if you are a reader. It is free to sign up and there are endless amount of things you can do with it.
Here you can rate books that you have read, add them to you read lists, research other books and read reviews written on books you have yet to read but are thinking you may want to.
This is a great way to have books suggested to you and to find your next favourite read. But there are many other things you can do on this website rather than just add books you have already read and read reviews.
One great section on it is the giveaways. If you have an account and can't find this setting here is what you do.
1. Log in to you account and go to the HOME PAGE
2. From here you should see a task bar on the page out beside the search function
3. Click on the little arrow beside the words EXPLORE
4. A menu should fall down now and 3 choices down you should see the GIVEAWAY button
5. Click on this to go to that section.
DISCLAIMER: I am using the english version of goodreads and I am aware that the website comes in a variety of languages. Yours might look different, or, if you are reading this in the future, the page may have changed since the time this was posted.
The giveaway section is a place where authors, publishers, and other offer a set amount of copies of their books to giveaway. You must click the link to sign up for one beside the book of your choice and put in your address. You are not guaranteed to win a book, but every now and then, if you sign up for enough, you are likely to win a few.
One big thing you must know when signing up for these books is that this is not just a free book. I advise you only to sign up for the ones you are willing to read, and that you will review. That is one thing the author or publishers ask of you. You are not required to write the review for the book you receive but it is polite to give the author something back after they ship you the book for free.
This website, from my experience, is safe to give your address to. I have been receiving books from goodreads for over a year now and I have never had any problems with the site or the authors themselves. Sometimes you even get more than just a book in the mail. I have gotten bookmarks and there are many other things that are offered through the authors. You can find out about these things by reading the description with the book being offered.
When you put in your address the giveaways are automatically filtered to only show books being shipped to your country. USA, Canada, and the UK are the most popular countries of shipping so if you are living there you are more likely to have more books to enter. But many books offer all countries so everyone is given an equal chance.
I know that many of you readers out there don't have the money to constantly go out and buy all the books you want. This is a great way to help someone out with a review, practice your writing skills, and get a free book to read. 
If you are an author and haven't heard of goodreads this is a great way to draw attention to your book. Many of those who enter but don't win probably still want to read your book. Free advertising, as long as you don't mind shipping.
At the end of the contest period if you have won you will be emailed automatically by the goodreads system to let you know that your book is on its way. The shipping is free and all you have to do is wait a week or so and your book should be in the mail. If there is any problem with the delivery you will be contacted by the author themselves.
It is a win/win situation for you. What have you got to lose?
So go on over to and get started today!
I hope I have been helpful to all you readers today and I wish all of you who enter the best of luck in getting your books. Maybe in the future I will try to host a giveaway on my blog (if I can figure out how it works). Let me know what you think through the contact form below. I am always open to feedback.
Have a great week everyone and I will see you all on Monday!
- K


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