I'm Going to Do IT!

Good morning everyone! Just a quick pop in to say that I am going to take on one of the most painful, testing, and mind numbing tasks I may have ever faced. I am going to do a full day of reading!
Alright, so you are probably thinking that this isn't that big a deal. But for me this sort of is. The plan is to, from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep, spend an entire day reading book after book taking a break only to go to the bathroom and get more food. Since I haven't done much reading lately this should be my chance to get all my books I have on side done.
When I read I tend to grind my teeth a lot (I don't know why) so normally by the end of the day my teeth are hurting pretty bad when I try to do this. In this time span I plan on getting AT LEAST three books done.
Since I have the house to myself this weekend I see no reason not to go through with my plan. If you ever get a day to yourself you should try this as well. It is fun to do, although your brain feels a little like mush at the end of it.
So hopefully by Monday I am not brain dead from this. Have a great week everyone and I will see you all on Monday!
- K


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