Sapient by Jerry Kaczmarowski

Hey everyone. This review is super late as I have been so busy with moving and family problems that I haven't had a chance to read the book. Now that things are starting to settle down I have had a chance to read it and now I can finally tell you what I think. The author was kind enough to send me a copy, and though I have had to put it off for the last month, I really am thankful that I was able to read this book. Jane works as a scientist in a research facility where she is trying to create a serum to cure autism. She works with rats to test the cure and one rat, named Einstein, has shown remarkable capabilities. Over time he has been able to navigate mazes and even learned how to count. With the testing going so well she moves up to testing on larger animals starting with a dog named Bear. But what no one realizes is that she is so focused on this cure because her own son Robbie was born with autism. She is hoping that the cure she makes will one day be able to help her s...