Back to School Season!

Good morning, afternoon, and evening everyone! It is that time of year again and whether you go to school or not you know that September is a time to celebrate. Of course, most kids don't see going back to school as anything to celebrate but we will do it anyway.
School time is a great time to catch up with friends, improve your knowledge, better your future, and read a lot of great books. 
For University students like me who have to go buy their textbooks it might seem a little poopy that you have to spend all of your book money on large textbooks that you will only really use for a year. But with a good budget and proper planning you can still manage to fit a few good books into your plan.
When back at school try to take any time you can get to yourself to read. Recess if you are in younger grades, lunch break if you are in upper grade, and those small breaks in between lectures if in post-secondary. If you are working fill in your break time with a bit of exercise for the mind.
Back to school doesn't always have to mean giving up the things you loved to do in the summer. I for one am going to be doing more reading than ever with my school work and my small breaks waiting for the bus to come. Any time you can find a quiet space to be on your own and read you should.
Maybe this is the year to start a book club within your school. Get some friends together at the local library even if that helps. Put together book drives for the libraries in the area, read to children, and make everyones reading experience that much better.
Good luck with going back to school my friends and happy reading!
- K


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